Ahead in 2013

As we approach the new year here at TXAD Internet, it amazes me to see where we’re headed, with technology as well as on the internet. Many people now realize that one helps shape the other, and vise versa.

Recently, we spoke about responsive design, and how using it in websites not only assists in easier changes and maintenance, but also allows your site to be accessible to all manners of viewing devices (i.e. smartphones, tablets, desktops). However, responsiveness has some setbacks to be accounted for, especially as the technology used to see websites continues to evolve.

  1. Responsive sites are typically built with a fluid width, allowing the text and content to shift around. To accommodate the different devices, we set “breakpoints” in the design where the elements shift around.
  2. The breakpoints are based on existing device widths and pixel-aspect ratios. But, with new devices being released everyday, new breakpoints will have to be included and accounted for.
  3. With technology ranging from smartphones to tablets, all the way to refrigerators and even glasses, finding a happy median will become intrinsically more difficult.

As the internet grows and develops further, we strive to stay on top of the latest ways to keep your audience engaged and connected to you. Whether it takes learning the software for optimizing your website’s code, or researching devices to make sure your website is always seen in the best possible way, TXAD Internet will follow through!

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